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April 2024

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Hóa phóng xạ-hạt nhân

Thu Aug 02, 2018 2:45 pm by mình tên là ánh

Bài1:Phòng thí nghiệm có mẫu phóng xạ Au(198) với cường độ 4,0 mCi/1g Au. SAu 48 giờ người ta cần một dung dịch có độ phóng xạ 0,5 mCi/1g Au. Hãy tính số gam dung môi không phóng xạ pha với 1g Au để có dung dịch nói trên. Biết rằng Au có t(1/2)=2,7 ngày đêm.
Bài 2: Viết phương trình phản ứng: 235U --> 206Pb + ?
Bài …

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Mạng tinh thể

Thu Aug 02, 2018 2:41 pm by mình tên là ánh

Bài 1:Khối lượng riêng của rhodi là d = 12,4 g/cm3. Mạng tinh thể của nó là lptd, hằng số mạng a = 3,8 A0; MRh = 103 g/mol.
1. Suy ra giá trị gần đúng Avogđro.
2. Tính bán kính cực đại r của một nguyên tử phải có để chiếm hốc bát diện mà không làm thay đổi cấu trúc của mạng.
3. Xác định độ đặc khít của cấu …

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Giải giúp mình bài hóa này nha các bạn

Sun Oct 22, 2017 4:54 pm by Diệu Anh

Cho 14.4g một kim loại có hóa trị không đổi phản ứng vừa đủ với 1 lít dung dịch HNO3 1,55M thì thấy thoát ra 4,48 lít khí không màu hóa nâu ngoài không khí ở đktc và dung dịch X. Tìm tên KL (giải theo quá trình nhường và nhận e, biết số mol e nhường bằng số mol e nhận)

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dẫn từ từ V lít CO2 vào 100ml chứa hỗn hợp KOH và Na2CO3 đều có nồng độ 2M.KHi toàn bộ CO2 bị hấp thụ hết thu được 44,3g muối .Tính V

Sun Oct 01, 2017 3:54 pm by xoahet

nhờ anh em diễn đàn làm giúp mình bài này với ạ.xin cảm ơn!

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tách hỗn hợp, khó quá

Sat Sep 16, 2017 6:43 am by easyboy1512

Tách CuO từ hỗn hợp CaO và CuO Sad

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giải dùm mình 2 bài này với

Sun Sep 10, 2017 6:02 pm by phamcuong

giúp mình bài này nha !!!!!! 21557310
giúp mình bài này nha !!!!!! 21585510

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Gíup mình bài này nha[Hoá 10]

Sun Oct 02, 2016 9:39 am by aoiumimako

Ba nguyên tố có tổng điện tích hạt nhân là 16+.Hiệu số đơn vị điện tích hạt nhân giữa X và Y là 1.Tổng electron trong ion giúp mình bài này nha !!!!!! Gif
là 32.Xác định tên 3 nguyên tố.

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Giúp mình bài này với

Wed May 03, 2017 5:19 pm by luan123

cho 4 gam hỗn hợp X gồm 3 kim loại Al,Zn và Fe ở dạng bột tác dụng hoàn toàn với oxi thu được m gam hỗn hợp Y gồm các oxit. Hòa tan hoàn toàn hỗn hợp Y bằng 200ml dung dịch H2SO4 1M vừa đủ. Tính m?

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Nhóm Halogen

Thu Feb 09, 2017 4:17 pm by Kỳ Hân

Giúp mình bài này với Wink  :
Hòa tan 2.67g hỗn hợp A gồm NaI và NaCl vào nước được ddX, cho Br vừa đủ vào dd X được hỗn hợp muối Y có khối lượng nhỏ hơn khối lượng muối ban đầu là 0.47g .Tính khối lượng NaCl trong A

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giúp mình bài này nha !!!!!!

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Bài gửi by nhumainguyenthpt Sat May 28, 2016 12:15 am

cho 23,8 gam hỗn hợp gồm K và Ca tác dụng với nước dư sau phản ứng thu được 11200ml khí ở ĐKTC. Thành phần % khối lượng Ca là:
A.63,27% B.67,23% C.62,37% D.32,77%


Tổng số bài gửi : 1
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Join date : 28/05/2016

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Bài gửi by anmayden Thu Aug 11, 2016 8:19 am

Doctor of Philosophy from: A thesis submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the award of the degree...I first would like to express my gratitude to the Vietnamese Government's Project 322 for offering me an opportunity to pursue the PhD degree in Australia. Being a recipient of this program is my personal honour, which has deepened my commitment to my research and made me stronger to overcome challenges on my journey towards this thesis.



Tổng số bài gửi : 47
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Join date : 26/07/2016

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Bài gửi by anmayden Thu Aug 11, 2016 8:38 am

Phd dissertation: Transcriptome analysis and expression of immune-related genes in megalobrama amblycephala after challenge with aeromonas hydrophila as revealed by molecular markers...high consumption in market, the development of BSB culture industry has been paid more attention, leading improving culture technique and other related subjects in culture procedure. It was evidenced that since 1960s the BSB had started being a domestic culturing practice species....http://ambn.vn/product/30790/Transcriptome-analysis-and-expression-of-immune-related-genes-in-megalobrama-amblycephala-after-challenge-with-aeromonas-hydrophila-as-revealed-by-molecular-markers.html


Tổng số bài gửi : 47
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Join date : 26/07/2016

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Bài gửi by anmayden Thu Aug 11, 2016 9:09 am

Face Tracking and Indexing In Video Sequences...The 3D face tracking plays an important role in many other applications. For example, integrating the estimation of facial animation allows a natural human user to control a distant avatar in virtual environments...http://ambn.vn/product/30796/Face-Tracking-and-Indexing-In-Video-Sequences.html


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Join date : 26/07/2016

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Bài gửi by anmayden Thu Aug 11, 2016 9:30 am

Thesis: A Study of the Extent to Which University English Education Fulfills Workplace Requirements for Vietnamese Graduates and of the Extent to Which Action Research Can Lead to Improvements in University English Education....http://ambn.vn/product/30802/A-Study-of-the-Extent-to-Which-University-English-Education-Fulfills-Workplace-Requirements-for-Vietnamese-Graduates-and-of-the-Extent-to-Which-Action-Research-Can-Lead-to-Improvements-in-University-English-Education.html


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Bài gửi by anmayden Thu Aug 11, 2016 10:19 am

THESE: LAN property for jump-di usion processes with discrete observations via Malliavin calculus...Dans cette thèse nous appliquons le calcul de Malliavin afin d’obtenir la propriété de normalité asymptotique locale (LAN) à partir d’observations discrètes de certains processus de diffusion uniformément elliptique avec sauts. ...http://ambn.vn/product/30805/LAN-property-for-jump-di-usion-processes-with-discrete-observations-via-Malliavin-calculus.html


Tổng số bài gửi : 47
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Join date : 26/07/2016

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Bài gửi by anmayden Thu Aug 11, 2016 10:40 am

Doctor of Philosophy: Automatically creating multilingual lexical resources by...These resources include books for infants and children, books for adults of various kinds, newspapers, magazines, monolingual dictionaries, bilingual dictionaries, thesauri, and these days electronic versions of these same resources...http://ambn.vn/product/30811/Automatically-creating-multilingual-lexical-resources-by.html


Tổng số bài gửi : 47
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Join date : 26/07/2016

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Bài gửi by anmayden Thu Aug 11, 2016 11:02 am

Thèse: To Develop a Database Management Tool for Multi-Agent Simulation Platform...Recently, there has been a shift from modeling driven approach to data driven approach in Agent Based Modeling and Simulation (ABMS). This trend towards the use of data-driven approaches in simulation aims at using more and more data available from the observation systems into simulation models...http://ambn.vn/product/30816/To-Develop-a-Database-Management-Tool-for-Multi-Agent-Simulation-Platform.html


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Bài gửi by anmayden Thu Aug 11, 2016 11:40 am

Doctor of philosophy: The total synthesis of c1'-azacycloalkyl hexahydrocannabinoids the total synthesis of 3-oxaadamantyl hexahydrocannabinoids the synthesis of bicyclic 3-adamantyl cannabinoids...http://ambn.vn/product/30824/The-total-synthesis-of-c1'-azacycloalkyl-hexahydrocannabinoids-the-total-synthesis-of-3-oxaadamantyl-hexahydrocannabinoids-the-synthesis-of-bicyclic-3-adamantyl-cannabinoids.html


Tổng số bài gửi : 47
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Bài gửi by anmayden Thu Aug 11, 2016 2:04 pm

PhD thesis: Discrete vector fields and the Cohomology of certain arithmetic and crystallographic groups...Chapter 4 provides a method for calculating the cohomology ring structure for Euclidean crystallographic groups with cubical fundamental domain. We describe algorithms for attemping to decide if a given crystallogrpahic group admits a cubical fundamental domain....http://ambn.vn/product/30828/Discrete-vector-fields-and-the-Cohomology-of-certain-arithmetic-and-crystallographic-groups.html


Tổng số bài gửi : 47
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Bài gửi by anmayden Thu Aug 11, 2016 2:23 pm

PhD thesis: Application of poly-â-hydroxybutyrate accumulating bacteria in crustacean larviculture....My special thanks go to my landlord, Mrs Robberechts Rose, for providing me a comfortable and safe accommodation, and enthusiastic help during the time in Ghent. It makes me feel like to stay at home...http://ambn.vn/product/30834/Application-of-poly-a-hydroxybutyrate-accumulating-bacteria-in-crustacean-larviculture.html


Tổng số bài gửi : 47
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Bài gửi by anmayden Thu Aug 11, 2016 2:37 pm

Doctor of Philosophy in Finance: Corporate governance structures and financial performance: A comparative study of publicly listed companies in singapore and Viet Nam...For the Vietnamese market, the results show that board gender diversity has a positive effect on firm performance. Remaining robust even after the alternative proxies for gender diversity are employed, this finding is consistent with the perspectives of agency theory and resource dependence theory....http://ambn.vn/product/30836/Corporate-governance-structures-and-financial-performance:-A-comparative-study-of-publicly-listed-companies-in-singapore-and-Viet-Nam.html


Tổng số bài gửi : 47
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Join date : 26/07/2016

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Bài gửi by anmayden Thu Aug 11, 2016 3:47 pm

Ảnh hưởng của áp lực tổ chức nhà trường đối với đổi mới dạy học của giáo viên - lấy các trường trung học tỉnh Lâm Đồng, Việt Nam làm ví dụ...Đổi mới là chìa khóa để thúc đẩy phát triển kinh tế ở Việt Nam. Năng lực đổi mới là yếu tố cơ bản góp phần nâng cao khả năng cạnh tranh của Việt Nam trên trường quốc tế. Đào tạo nhân lực có khả năng đổi mới cần phải có đội ngũ giáo viên có năng lực đổi mới giảng học....http://ambn.vn/product/30843/Anh-huong-cua-ap-luc-to-chuc-nha-truong-doi-voi-doi-moi-day-hoc-cua-giao-vien---lay-cac-truong-trung-hoc-tinh-Lam-D%C3%B4ng,-Viet-Nam-lam-vi-du.html


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Bài gửi by anmayden Thu Aug 11, 2016 4:19 pm

These: China aids for Vietnam during the resistance war against the French and Americans from 1950 to 1975...From the perception of a Vietnamese, by the methods of historical research, I conducted a research on China’s assistance and aids of economy, military and education to Vietnam during the resistance war against the French and Americans....http://ambn.vn/product/30850/China-aids-for-Vietnam-during-the-resistance-war-against-the-French-and-Americans-from-1950-to-1975.html


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Bài gửi by anmayden Thu Aug 11, 2016 4:40 pm

These: Structure and Mechanism Studies of Sugar Epimerase From Dictyoglomus turgidum...In organisms capable of photosynthesis, solar energy is harvested to drive reactions in which glucose is synthesized from carbon dioxide and water. The energy stored in this “carbon fixation” process then gradually moves upward into the food chain....http://ambn.vn/product/30853/Structure-and-Mechanism-Studies-of-Sugar-Epimerase-From-Dictyoglomus-turgidum.html


Tổng số bài gửi : 47
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Bài gửi by anmayden Thu Aug 11, 2016 4:58 pm

Thèse: Benzo [e] pyridoindolones, nouveaux inhibiteurs de kinases hydrosolubles a fort potentiel anti-proliferatif...Mitosis is divided into five phases: Prophase, prometaphase, metaphase, anaphase and telophase (Fig. 1). At prophase, chromosome condensation begins, the duplicated centrosomes separate, and some mitotic checkpoint proteins, including Bub1 and BubR1...http://ambn.vn/product/30855/Benzo-[e]-pyridoindolones,-nouveaux-inhibiteurs-de-kinases-hydrosolubles-a-fort-potentiel-anti-proliferatif.html


Tổng số bài gửi : 47
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Join date : 26/07/2016

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Bài gửi by anmayden Fri Aug 12, 2016 9:00 am

THESE: Similarit´es dans des Mod`eles BRep Param´etriques: D´etection et Applications...Au premier lieu, j’adresse mes remerciements sincères à tous les membres du jury pour avoir consacré beaucoup de temps à l’évaluation de ce travail. Je tiens à remercier particulièrement Messieurs les professeurs Marc DANIEL et Jean-Claude LÉON pour avoir accepté d’être membres rapporteurs de thèse...http://ambn.vn/product/30867/Similarit%C2%B4es-dans-des-Mod%60eles-BRep-Param%C2%B4etriques:-D%C2%B4etection-et-Applications.html


Tổng số bài gửi : 47
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Join date : 26/07/2016

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Bài gửi by anmayden Fri Aug 12, 2016 9:27 am

These: The Clinical Research of the Therapy Zhengxuxielian combined with interferon fo Treating Chronic Hepatitis C...The results of this study show that Qinghua method combined with interferon for chronic hepatitis C positive imaginary evil love card can significantly improve patients with fatigue, bloating, anorexia, jaundice, dry mouth pain, loose stools...http://ambn.vn/product/30873/The-Clinical-Research-of-the-Therapy-Zhengxuxielian-combined-with-interferon-fo-Treating-Chronic-Hepatitis-C.html


Tổng số bài gửi : 47
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Join date : 26/07/2016

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Bài gửi by anmayden Fri Aug 12, 2016 10:26 am

Doctor of Philosophy: Evolution and Spread of Glyphosate Resistant Barnyard Grass...I would like to express sincere thanks to my supervisors, Associate Professor Christopher Preston, Dr Peter Boutsalis and Dr Jenna Malone, for their guidance, help and support through the whole of my research project. Dr Jenna Malone has guided and provided me with valuable advice on technical aspects, especially on molecular biotechnology...http://ambn.vn/product/30879/Evolution-and-Spread-of-Glyphosate-Resistant-Barnyard-Grass.html


Tổng số bài gửi : 47
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Join date : 26/07/2016

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Bài gửi by anmayden Fri Aug 12, 2016 10:50 am

Doctor of Philosophy: Reversible Circuits Synthesis Based on EXOR-sum of Products of EXOR-sums...One of the main profits that reversible circuit carries is theoretically the zero power dissipation in the sense that it is independent of underlying technology; Irreversibility means heat generation. In the other words, reversible circuits may offer a feasible solution in the future that will aid certain reduction of the power loss...http://ambn.vn/product/30885/Reversible-Circuits-Synthesis-Based-on-EXOR-sum-of-Products-of-EXOR-sums.html


Tổng số bài gửi : 47
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Bài gửi by anmayden Fri Aug 12, 2016 11:22 am

Doctor of Philosophy: Enzymatic Studies on Nucleic Acid Binding Proteins: DEAD-box Protein CshA from Staphylococcus aureus and RNA-dependent RNA Polymerases from Viruses...Nucleic acids and proteins are two of the most important biomolecules in every living organism. Interactions between nucleic acids (RNA and DNA) And proteins are required to play important roles in central biological processes, ranging from replication of genome, transcription, translation and recombination,...http://ambn.vn/product/30891/Enzymatic-Studies-on-Nucleic-Acid-Binding-Proteins:-DEAD-box-Protein-CshA-from-Staphylococcus-aureus-and-RNA-dependent-RNA-Polymerases-from-Viruses.html


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Bài gửi by anmayden Fri Aug 12, 2016 1:58 pm

Doctor of Philosophy: Non-platinum based electrocatalysts for alkaline direct ethanol fuel cell...Progress in human society and especially, the industrial development, have been increasing energy consumption and power requirements. Up to date, most of the energy needs have been supplied by combustion of fossil fuels. ...http://ambn.vn/product/30899/Non-platinum-based-electrocatalysts-for-alkaline-direct-ethanol-fuel-cell.html


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Join date : 26/07/2016

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Bài gửi by anmayden Fri Aug 12, 2016 2:23 pm

Thèse: Screening of mycosporine-like compounds in the Dermatocarpon genus Phytochemical study of the lichen Dermatocarpon luridum (With.) J. R. Laundon...En premier lieu, je tiens à remercier Monsieur le Dr Holger Thüs et Monsieur le Dr Erwan Ar Gall d’avoir accepté d’être les rapporteurs de mon manuscrit, ainsi que Madame la Professeure Marie-Dominique Galibert d’avoir accepté de participer à ce jury de thèse....http://ambn.vn/product/30904/Screening-of-mycosporine-like-compounds-in-the-Dermatocarpon-genus-Phytochemical-study-of-the-lichen-Dermatocarpon-luridum-(With.)-J.-R.-Laundon..html


Tổng số bài gửi : 47
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Bài gửi by anmayden Fri Aug 12, 2016 2:38 pm

Phd thesis: Farkas-type results for nonconvex systems and applications to optimization...New versions of the Farkas lemma for cone-convex systems and for sublinearconvex systems are established under Slater-type constraint qualication conditions and in the absence of the lower semi-continuity and the closedness of functions and constrained sets involved...http://ambn.vn/product/30907/Farkas-type-results-for-nonconvex-systems-and-applications-to-optimization.html


Tổng số bài gửi : 47
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Join date : 26/07/2016

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Bài gửi by anmayden Fri Aug 12, 2016 3:35 pm

Thesis: The study in development strategy of youth football generation in Viet Nam...This article is through literature material method, expert interview method, on-the-spot investigation method, questionnaire survey method, mathematical statistics and logicalargumentation method, for football developed countries, including Germany,...http://ambn.vn/product/30915/The-study-in-development-strategy-of-youth-football-generation-in-Viet-Nam.html


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